
Developing Teaching for Mastery Work Groups

Dates: To be confirmed Various (your school will be placed in a group near to you) - See below:

Group 1:  Wednesdays - North Herefordshire/South Shropshire/Shrewsbury

11 November 2020; 03.February 2021; 24 February 2021; 26 May 2021; 23.06.21 plus one online meeting/school visit per term

Group 2:  Thursdays - Wolverhampton, Telford & East Shropshire

12 November 2020; 03 February 2021; 25 February 2021; 27 May 2021; 24 June 21 plus one online meeting/school visit per term

All Work Group activity will be online until Spring half-term 2021 and be reviewed in January. Online workshops will include opportunities to see 'open lessons' and plan lessons collaboratively in small groups, using breakout rooms.

A tried and tested school improvement programme for mathematics: 'In just a few months of working with SHaW Maths Hub, this programme has transformed the way we teach, and improved pupil outcomes and attitudes.' (Headteacher of a Wolverhampton Primary school)

If you are a Primary teacher interested in developing confident mathematicians with deep connected understanding in your class, you are welcome to apply to participate in a SHaW Maths Hub Primary Teaching for Mastery Work Group in 2020-21. The Work Groups are funded, highly regarded, collaborative professional development opportunities for participants, with £1000 funding to support improvement across the whole school.

The Teaching for Mastery Programme is a professional development opportunity designed to support teachers like you to develop best practice in mathematics in your school. It is suitable for schools interested in implementing a teaching for mastery approach to maths.

This video was made for our recruitment campaign in 2018/19, and all the details still apply in 2020/21. 

If you're interested please complete the Application form attached below- do not use the "booking button" with your details.


Who will be leading the group?

Primary Teaching for Mastery Specialist Teachers.

Who is it for?

For all teachers (including lead teachers):

  • Enhanced mathematics subject knowledge with a particular emphasis on progression within key areas of mathematics;
  • A deep understanding of the principles and pedagogies related to teaching for mastery.

What are the intended outcomes?

  • All pupils develop a deep understanding of the mathematical ideas they are taught so that they fully meet the aims of the National Curriculum
  • All pupils show a positive attitude towards mathematics, enjoy learning the subject and demonstrate a growth mindset.

What is the cost?

Participation is FREE

Funding for the year is £1000 per school with two teachers participating, attending all workshops.

Up to £2000 match funding is available for the purchase of  DfE approved text books.


Please complete and return booking from from this link to

TfM Development Work Group Applications 2020-21

Please do not use the "booking" button.
