
IN02 - Wolverhampton - Year 1 Mastery of Number - Online workshop 15.6.20 - 1530 to 1630

Monday 15 June Alternative arrangements now an online workshop - details sent via email


An email was sent to all particpants on 21st May, 2020 with the joining details for the online workshop. Please check your "junk mail" if you do not appear to have received this message.  Please email if you are still unable to find it; and it will be sent again.  Thank you.











Who will be leading the group?

Alison Turner

Alison is a Primary Maths Teaching for Mastery Specialist and NCETM PD Accredited lead. She is a Deputy Headteacher and an experienced Primary Maths subject leader, with MaST qualification. Alison has undertaken Primary Maths research of different educational systems, including working collaboratively with and hosting teachers from Shanghai. Alison has a Masters in Primary Maths Education. She has led various Teaching for Mastery Work Groups for our Maths Hub, including Establishing Mastery, Embedding Mastery, Leson Design and Mastery of Number in Year 1.

Who is it for?

Teachers of Year 1 classes in schools interested in a Teaching for Mastery approach.

What are the intended outcomes?

  • Improve fluency and understanding of number for Year 1 children
  • Develop practice for teachers with strategies to focus on calculation, not counting

Professional learning and practice development

  • Develop understanding of how to develop children's "number sense". Consider a range of supportive pedagogical approaches.
  • Develop understanding of progression in addition and subtraction to best prepare children for success in later calculation work.

Pupil outcomes - It is intended that:

  • Pupils have a much more secure understanding of number which will prepare them for success in calculation work throughout primary school, and beyond.
  • Pupils feel confident exploring methods of calculation.
  • All pupils, regardless of prior attainment, will be able to access strategies which lead to efficiency in calculation.
  • It will support the aims of the NC where children will move through the curriculum at broadly the same pace, although we are aware that this needs some flexibility depending on the nature of the classes involved.
  • Pupils will begin to be exposed to activities which support their deepening understanding of number facts.

What will it involve?

A classroom-based research project to secure children’s understanding of number so that they are able to calculate without counting.

– use ideas from Shanghai practice;
– focus on ‘mastery’ of key number concepts for calculation;
– consider ways to ensure that Year 1 children to achieve fluency and the security in their understanding of key concepts in number, as detailed in the aims of the National Curriculum.

This will include use of some of the Year 1 PD materials.




Day 1

Context for work - developed practice following Shanghai exchange

‘Calculate don’t count!’- How an over reliance on counting strategies can prevent children from becoming efficient when calculating.

Number Sense including subitising - Pre-requisites for making best progress in Year 1. What can teachers do to prepare children. Includes use of models and images, including ten frame, part-part-whole diagram and variety of other appropriate images.

Mastering Partitioning - why should children learn to partition numbers? How can we set this in a context which is meaningful to the children; the importance of systematising partitioning and looking for patterns, linked to learning number facts?

Activities leading to Mastery -‘Intelligent practice’ - what is it, why do we do it, how does it lead to ‘mastery’ of number?

Discussion of gap task - what can teachers do to develop this area of learning in their own classroom?


Day 2

Review of progress in relation to gap task.

Introduction to doubles - the Shanghai way! Link this to looking for patterns and being systematic.

Introduction to inverse relationships - why should we be teaching this in Y1; an examination of inverse relationships looking at aggregation/ partitioning, augmentation/ reduction structures of addition and subtraction. How do models and images including the number line support the exposure of these relationships? What problems might arise when we use each of the models/images?

Addition using number facts:

  • Ten plus a single digit
  • Addition within 10s boundaries using patterns
  • Addition across 10s boundaries

This included discussion of contexts (anchor tasks), appropriate models & images, use of language & methods of recording calculations.

What is the cost?


Cover costs of up to £200 per day will be paid for teachers in their first two years of teaching. Please indicate where requested on the booking form.
