
2023-24 Sustaining Teaching for Mastery - Curriculum Coherence / Mathematical Thinking

Monday 20 November, Monday 11 March, Monday 17 June Shrewsbury


The Teaching for Mastery Programme is a professional development opportunity designed to support teachers to develop best practice in mathematics in your school. 

This Work Group enables schools to continue to reflect upon and develop Teaching for Mastery approaches in their own departments, whilst also giving participants the support and professional challenge from colleagues working in other schools. This Work Group provides a vibrant professional learning community working together to develop highly effective mathematics departments.

Each participant will choose a focus:

  •          Focus A: Developing mathematical thinking.
  •          Focus B: Developing curriculum coherence.

Schools should select a focus based on their departmental development plan.

Focus A will be looking at the best practices and activities that enable students to develop their mathematical thinking skills around GCSE mathematics topics. It will be most suitable for those advocates who want to develop a deeper understanding of the principles of Teaching for Mastery. It will provide support for those participants who might be new to departments and so might feel they need to develop their own understanding of the principles and values of Teaching for Mastery.

Focus B will be looking at how to ensure coherence throughout a pupil’s maths learning journey. There is an expectation that participants and departments will be refining and developing their schemes of learning, and that work on this focus will support them to do that. This focus was agreed on during the 2022/23 Work Groups and it is most suitable for participants who were part of that work group or have a deep understanding of the underlying principles and want to make curriculum change.

All participants will work together in the mornings, then split into focus groups for the afternoons. Please confirm your preferred focus alongside any dietary requirements when booking. If unsure, please book to secure your place now, then decide at the first workshop, following a more extensive introduction to both. Schools that book two participants may join both pathways.

Workshop Dates:

Workshop 1 - Monday 20th November 2023 - 0930-1515 - Shrewsbury

Workshop 2 - Monday 11th March 2024 - 0930-1515 - Shrewsbury

Workshop 3 - Monday 17th June 2024 - 0930-1515 - Shrewsbury

When booking, please note the dates and times in your diary, and submit your cover request in school.


Who will be leading the group?

The Work Group will be facilitated by Natalie Burton and Joe Cooper.

Both Natalie and Joe are Assistant Maths Hub Leads (Secondary) for SHaW Maths Hub and are accredited Professional Development Leads with substantial experience leading the professional development of teachers. Both have previously led Work Groups as a Teaching for Mastery Specialist across the Developing, Embedding and Sustaining phases.

Natalie is a head of mathematics in Hereford and Joe coordinates the secondary aspects of the Local Leaders of Mathematics Education programme at SHaW as well as being a maths teacher in North Shropshire.


Who is it for?

The programme is for departments and teachers that want to deepen their pupils' understanding of mathematics and are committed to achieving this through reflection and professional development. The Work Group is suitable for all Secondary Maths departments, irrespective of whether you have setting or mixed attainment classes. It is crucial that participants have the full support of the head of department and headteacher, and that mechanisms are in place to enable development as outlined in the outcomes below.

The following schools are eligible to participate in this funded Work Group:

undefinedSchools that are not yet eligible to participate in this collaborative Work Group may apply to join the £2000 funded Developing Mastery Work Group, then will be eligible the following year.


What are the intended outcomes?

What are the intended outcomes of this project?

Student outcomes

In almost all classes within the department, students will:

  •          develop a deep, secure and connected understanding of the maths they are learning
  •          achieve both conceptual understanding and procedural fluency
  •          think, reason and discuss their maths in order to deepen their understanding
  •          have a positive attitude to maths and attain high levels of achievement in maths.

Whole school/departmental policies and approaches

Mastery Advocates and their departments will:

  •          share a common vision, culture and set of principles which align with those in the NCETM’s Essence of Mathematics Teaching for Mastery
  •          continue to develop teaching for mastery approaches consistently within their own departments
  •          have structures and systems which allow for dedicated time for collaboration and development with shared responsibility for developing pedagogy.

Practice development

Mastery Advocates and their departments will:

  •          sustain classroom practices aligned to those in the NCETM’s Essence of Mathematics Teaching for Mastery
  •          collaborate to create a coherent curriculum in a culture of professional learning
  •          develop and implement a coherent and ambitious sustained development plan with clear aims based on evidence of need, and an associated professional development programme which will support all departmental members in meeting these aims.

Professional learning

Mastery Advocates and their departments will:

  •          have a deep understanding of the practices aligned to those in the NCETM’s Essence of Mathematics Teaching for Mastery
  •          understand the value of collaboration in creating a coherent curriculum in a culture of professional learning
  •          have a clear understanding of the leadership and management support required to enable them to effectively develop teaching for mastery approaches within their own departments
  •          understand the principles and practices behind the creation of a coherent and connected curriculum which promotes teaching for mastery
  •          understand the benefits of collaborative professional development for sustained development of professional knowledge and practice within a department.

What is the cost?

Funded by DfE so participation is free for schools
