
Mastery Readiness

Dates: To be confirmed Wolverhampton and Telford

Mastery Readiness programme 2020 - 21

Is your school ready to adopt teaching for mastery in mathematics?

If your school has not previously accessed any teaching for mastery school improvement programmes then Mastery Readiness is the first stage of funded programme to support your school in implementing teaching for mastery.

Mastery Readiness programme in SHaW Maths Hub:

  • is for Maths and other School Leaders
  • is led by experienced, Teaching for Mastery Specialist teachers who are also senior leaders in their own school
  • will begin in your area in the Autumn Term with an initial introductory session
  • is then followed by one, half-day session each half term from November 2020 until July 2021
  • includes five, bespoke Specialist school visits to your school (replaced by online 'visit' meetings until appropriate and the school is ready to welcome visitors).
  • will focus on the key foundations of Mastery Readiness - see below
  • is a practice-based, collaborative PD programme 
  • will include £1000-£3000 funding for every school in the Developing Mastery year, following the Mastery Readiness year


Schools that are successful in implementing sustained and meaningful change through teaching for mastery make sure that they have key foundations of Mastery Readiness in place. 

These key foundations include:

  • shared vision and culture around the importance of maths
  • a belief that every child can achieve highly in maths
  • a positive mindset towards maths amongst all staff
  • good maths subject knowledge amongst teachers and TAs
  • systems that maximise learning, such as timetabling, intervention, curriculum and pedagogical approaches
  • teaching of arithmetical proficiency for all children, to support mathematical fluency by reducing cognitive load
  • ongoing staff development, which is valued by all staff and senior leaders.

For further information and expressions of interest, please contact: Cathryn Hardy, Primary Teaching for Mastery Lead, via this address: 


Who will be leading the group?

Cathryn Hardy and Jasmin Taylor

Cathryn is Primary Teaching for Mastery Lead for SHaW Maths Hub. She is an NCETM PD Accredited lead. Cathryn is former Primary mathematics adviser for Shropshire and also co-author and lecturer for post-graduate mathematics education programmes.

Jasmin is a Primary Maths Teaching for Mastery Specialist, Assistant Headteacher and NCETM PD Accredited lead. She is an experienced Primary Maths subject leader, with MaST qualification. Jasmin has undertaken extensive Primary Maths research of different educational systems, including working collaboratively with and hosting teachers from Shanghai. 

Please complete the booking form and return by email to

Mastery Readiness Information and Application Form

Please do not book using the "booking button"
