This project aims to secure firm foundations in the development of good number sense for all children from Reception through to Year 1 and Year 2. Fuller details and links about the Mastering Number programme, including live online taster sessions, can be found here. Please apply by using this application form and returning it to by Wednesday 29th March 4pm (FINAL DEADLINE TO ENSURE FUNDING FOR REKENREKS)
This programme will develop solid number sense, including fluency and flexibility with number facts, which will have a lasting impact on future learning for all children. The programme will also involve high quality professional development for teachers.The successful Mastering Number Programme, which develops number sense in pupils in KS1, is recruiting another cohort for 2023/24. Over 5,000 schools have already taken part in the programme, and are reporting pupils increasing their fluency and confidence in number sense.
A daily, teacher-led session of 10 to 15 minutes will ensure that pupils develop a deep understanding of number whilst promoting reasoning, oracy and positive attitudes - key skills for future success in maths.
The core professional development programme will be delivered by an experienced team from the NCETM, led by the NCETM’s Director of Primary Mathematics, Debbie Morgan. It will involve the lead teachers, maths subject lead and headteacher engaging in a range of synchronous and asynchronous online professional development, including three live sessions, across the academic year. Resources, including lesson plans, visual resources and practical equipment, will be provided.
SHaW Maths Hub will be one group led by a professional experienced in early maths and in leading professional development locally. During the year, teachers in the Work Group will work together to share experiences and reflect on the impact of the programme on their pupils and on themselves as teachers. The Work Group Lead will facilitate and steer regular discussion among participants in a dedicated online community. This ongoing cross-fertilisation of experiences, ideas and successes will create a vibrant and sustained professional learning experience for all those taking part. It will also significantly benefit pupils in the participating schools.
A school’s participation involves teachers from each of Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 (in one-form entry schools), the maths subject lead, and the headteacher. In small schools, there may be just one or two participating class teachers. In larger, multi-form schools, it is expected that lead teachers support colleagues in Reception and KS1 to adopt the same approach in their classes, to ensure consistency across the school.
Participating in the Work Group will provide the following benefits to participant schools:
For the central PD workshops, teachers will not all need to be released at the same time, but it will be on the same morning or afternoon. There will be separate PD workshops for Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 lead teachers. Very small schools that have a Reception/Y1/Y2 class with a sole teacher will need to release the teacher for the whole morning or afternoon to attend all three sessions. Different arrangements will be put in place for headteachers and maths leads.
There is no charge to schools participating in the programme. Rekenreks will also be available for schools who sign up for Mastering Number in 2023/24.
Expectations of participating schools
Schools chosen to participate in the Work Group commit to the following expectations:
• The school will introduce Mastering Number as a daily fluency session for all pupils in all Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 classes. This session will be in addition to their daily maths lesson, which could be shortened as a result of participation in this Work Group.
• Teachers will be expected to contribute regularly to an online community led by the Work Group Lead, reflecting on the implementation and impact of the programme, as well as attending two, more formal online sessions, during 2023/24
• Participants in the project will engage in all online synchronous and asynchronous professional development, including three live sessions, throughout the academic year
• The school will provide any feedback required by the Maths Hub and participate in any evaluation processes required.
Please book using this application form and returning it to by Wednesday 29th March 4pm