
2025-26 Specialist Knowledge for Teaching Mathematics (Secondary non-specialists)

This project is designed to support non-specialist teachers teaching maths in a secondary school in developing specialist knowledge for teaching mathematics, thus enabling them to understand, teach and support students in maths in the classroom.


If you are a headteacher or senior leader, and want to know more about the programme and its suitability for teachers in your school, watch this video.

The programme will have the following elements:

  • Online workshops
  • The opportunity to put new learning into practice
  • Lesson study (collaborative planning, teaching, watching planned lesson and reflection)
  • Self study

"From attending the programme, the non-specialist teacher's confidence in his maths and the teaching of maths has improved. The expectations of his students are now higher. During lessons, subject-specific language is being used by students and they are expected to explain their methods using this language. Manipulatives and representations are a regular feature of the teacher's lessons and this has supported students in understanding the structure of the maths" – Karen, Head of Maths Department

Who will be leading the group?

Christine Watson

Who is it for?

This programme is for non-specialist teachers of maths in state-funded schools in England who will be teaching a Year 8 class in 2025/26 who fit the following definition:

"A non-specialist teacher of mathematics is a teacher in a state-funded school or college that is currently teaching some mathematics or has commitment from a headteacher/executive head to teach some mathematics within the next year, who has not undertaken Initial Teacher Training (ITT) in mathematics."

What are the intended outcomes?

  • Your students will think, reason and discuss their maths in order to deepen their understanding
  • You will explore and increase your use of a range of pedagogic approaches aligned to the principles of teaching for mastery
  • You will develop your subject and curriculum knowledge of secondary maths 

What will it involve?

There are significant numbers of people teaching maths in secondary schools without specialist initial teacher training. This programme supports non-specialist teachers in developing the specialist knowledge (the blend of subject knowledge and pedagogical knowledge) for teaching maths.

It is designed to take place over the equivalent of six days.

What is the cost?

Funded by DfE so participation is free for schools
