Monday 2nd December 2024 - 0930-1500 - AFC Telford
Monday 24th March 2025 - 0930-1500 - AFC Telford
Monday 16th June 2025 - 0930-1500 - AFC Telford
When booking, please note the dates and times in your diary, and submit your cover request in school. Since most TAs will not have a TRN, when booking either leave this blank or put 1111111 to progress past this request.
An underpinning principle of maths teaching for mastery is the assumption that everyone can learn and enjoy maths. Teaching assistants (TAs) contribute significantly to maths learning, offering inclusive strategies and accommodations to support students with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) to access the maths curriculum.
The 2023 Ofsted maths subject report ‘Coordinating mathematical success’ highlights how successful TAs who were working directly with individual students with SEND were most successful in supporting mathematical development when they had a secure knowledge of the maths curriculum and of the range of pedagogical approaches being used by the teacher. TAs who did not have this specialist knowledge were sometimes restricted to supporting students in more generic ways. For example, they offered encouragement or repeated the teacher’s explanations. In a very small number of cases, the teaching assistant’s lack of mathematical knowledge actively hindered students’ progress. For example, one teaching assistant advised students of ‘tricks’ to follow rather than explaining the mathematical methods the teacher intended.
This programme supports TAs in developing the specialist knowledge (a blend of subject and pedagogical) for teaching maths, and complements teaching for mastery approaches as exemplified in the NCETM’s Essence of Mathematics Teaching for Mastery.
The programme uses highly regarded centrally produced core materials that have been piloted and refined over several years. Participants also work collaboratively on maths tasks facilitated by Cohort Leads. There is opportunity for structured conversations to unpick the maths, the pedagogy modelled within sessions, misconceptions that students have, and how the approaches can be shared with fellow TA colleagues and transferred to working with students in the maths classroom.
Vanessa Brown
This programme will be relevant for TAs who work for most of their time with students in the KS3 maths classroom, or who lead intervention sessions with groups of students. The participants’ schools should already be engaged with a Teaching for Mastery Work Group, and this programme will complement this provision. There are core materials for all SKTM programmes that Cohort Leads will use as the basis of their local programmes. The core materials incorporate tasks from a variety of sources that demonstrate progression from KS1 to KS3 in key number concepts.
The programme will be run over the equivalent of four days (hubs decide whether the programme is delivered face-to-face, blended, or online), and participants must commit to attending all sessions. Participants will develop their specialist knowledge with a focus on using precise mathematical language, representations and reasoning within each of the topics: addition and subtraction; multiplication and division; fractions and ratio and proportion. In addition to attendance at these sessions, participants will be asked to carry out school-based tasks to enable participants to develop their practice in the classroom.
Student outcomes
Students will:
Practice development
Participants will:
Professional learning
Participants will:
Addition and subtraction (extending to negative numbers)
Multiplication and division (extending to negative numbers)
Ratio and proportion
Funded by DfE so participation is free for schools