
2024-25 Specialist Knowledge for Teaching Mathematics (Primary Teaching Assistants) - Telford

Tuesday 5 November, Tuesday 4 February, Tuesday 1 April Telford

Workshop Dates

Workshop 1 - Tuesday 5th November - 0930-1500 - Venue Telford TBC

Workshop 2 - Tuesday 4th February 2025 - 0930-1500 - Venue Telford TBC

Workshop 3 - Tuesday 1st April 2025 - 0930-1500 - Venue Telford TBC

When booking, please note the dates and times in your diary, and submit your cover request in school.

The 2023 Ofsted report ‘Coordinating mathematical success: the mathematics subject report’ highlights that schools where maths provision is strongest ensure that other adults working with pupils, including teaching assistants and tutors, understand the curriculum and its implementation. Where these other adults do not have this shared understanding, the effectiveness of their support is limited.

This programme supports primary teaching assistants to develop specialist knowledge for teaching maths (a blend of subject and pedagogical knowledge) which complements teaching for mastery approaches as exemplified in NCETM’s Essence of Mathematics Teaching for Mastery.

The Primary Teaching Assistants SKTM Programme focuses on number, and consists of the equivalent of four days, spread out over a minimum of two terms. This minimum duration allows participants time to develop practice and evaluate the impact of adaptations made. Professional learning and practice development continue throughout the period of the programme, with participants implementing new ideas into their daily practice.

There are highly regarded centrally produced core materials, focusing on number, that have been piloted and refined over several years. The Cohort Leads will tailor these core materials, so the needs of their participants are addressed.

Cohort Leads will work with participants for the equivalent of four days, utilising NCETM resources. School-based tasks that will influence practice development are collaboratively designed by Cohort Leads and participants. There will be planned opportunities for participants to share the impact their practice change has had on pupils’ learning in maths.

Who is it for?

This programme is designed for primary teaching assistants who would like to further develop their specialist knowledge for teaching maths. It will be particularly relevant for individuals that have not received maths-specific training.

What are the intended outcomes?

Pupil outcomes

Pupils will:

  • use appropriate representations to support their mathematical work
  • be able to explain their maths and their mathematical thinking using appropriate language
  • positively engage with maths that challenges them.

Practice development

Participants will:

  • explore and increase their use of a range of pedagogic approaches consistent with teaching for mastery
  • increase their confidence in supporting pupils in mastering mathematical concepts.

Professional learning

Participants will:

  • enhance their maths subject knowledge with an emphasis on the key concepts, the representations and the language used to help pupils develop the mathematical area covered (e.g. number sense, additive reasoning, multiplicative reasoning, fractions)
  • identify common misconceptions and ways of addressing these to help pupils master important concepts
  • identify pedagogical approaches that will enhance teaching and learning and know how to use these to support pupils in understanding maths
  • develop an understanding of key principles and approaches associated with teaching for mastery. 

What will it involve?

Participants will attend the equivalent of four days, where they will collaboratively work on maths tasks, facilitated by Cohort Leads. There is opportunity for structured conversations in order to unpick the maths, the pedagogy modelled within sessions, misconceptions that pupils have, and how the approaches can be transferred to the participants’ classrooms. Between sessions, participants contribute to their online community, complete school-based tasks, and share their observations through discussions with peers.

What is the cost?

Funded by DfE so participation is free for schools
