
Leading Mathematics: Supporting Calculation in KS1 for TAs

Friday 17 November, Friday 19 January, Friday 19 April

Workshop 1: Friday 17th November 2023

Workshop 2: Friday 19th January 2024

Workshop 3: Friday 19th April 2024

Who will be leading the group?

Jo Makin-Isherwood

Who is it for?

Teaching assistants, particularly those working in Reception and KS1

What are the intended outcomes?

Are you looking for support for a Teaching Assistant to develop  their understanding of  EY/KS1 number? These workshops will enable Teaching Assistants to improve their ability to support learning in maths lessons/activities. Working collaboratively with others, they will explore and develop their understanding of effective ways to support children with number, addition and subtraction.

What will it involve?

3 online sessions

What is the cost?

DfE funded so participation is free.

Work group full