
Leading Mathematics: Developing Spatial Reasoning, Ludlow

Thursday 23 November, Thursday 25 January, Thursday 25 April Ludlow Mascall Centre

Workshop 1: 23rd November 2023 (09:15-11:45) - The Mascall Centre, Ludlow

Workshop 2: 25th January 2024 (09:15-11:45) - The Mascall Centre, Ludlow

Workshop 3: 25th April 2024 (09:15-11:45) - The Mascall Centre, Ludlow

Who will be leading the group?

Jo Makin-Isherwood

Who is it for?

For any primary teacher

What are the intended outcomes?

 Are you concerned about effective ways to support children within the aspects of shape, space, measure and pattern? Research suggests a strong link between spatial understanding and wider mathematical achievement. Working collaboratively with a Primary Teaching for Mastery Specialist, you will develop your subject knowledge and become more equipped to offer rich experiences in these areas.

What will it involve?

3 face to face or online sessions with intersessional school-based tasks

What is the cost?

DfE funded so participation is free

Work group full